Monday, December 25, 2017

Democracy In The Balance

THE MOUNTAIN SAYS Donald Trump is at best a vulgar man and at worst a criminal.  The Mountain suspects the President of the United States is a money-laundering stooge, as are a great number of his team, for Russian mobsters.

You might think with criminal charges lodged against four of Trump's political team, that many questions remain.  But the talking heads on Fox and craven republicans in Congress - who are still howling about Hillary Clinton - seem to have no curiosity about what the president did despite four of his team being arrested.  In fact, Fox and the republicans who consume it are now turning on the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation - literally the only agencies in this democracy capable of investigating the president.

Because, you know, you wouldn't want to find out anything that might undermine your business model, now would you?

Fox helped create Trump.  They fostered the monster.  Many of their top talents helped Trump build his 33% bedrock of the misinformed and I hope, dear reader, that you are not among them.  Think about it:  Everyone except Fox is lying.  All of the thousands of climate scientists who've spent their lives studying one little corner of this massive problem... All of them... have devoted their lives' work to .... lying.  All except the one or two who Exxon Mobil bought and paid for.  THOSE two guys... they're the only truth tellers in the world and Fox is the only content provider that found them?

This is dangerous for democracy.  Fox has single-handedly, along with talented a.m. talk blowhards like Rush Limbaugh, undermined the simple fact that there IS, indeed, observable truth.  When the truth is sufficiently crippled, anything can happen.  Kelly Ann Conway, on practically day one of the administration, wasted no time going to the Orwellian max when she claimed the insane mantle of "Alternative Facts." 

If that's what you're selling.

I have personally taken innocent people into custody for questioning.  You know what innocent people do?  They try to tell you everything because they know the truth will save them.  They want a polygraph test.  They'll bring forth corroborating witnesses.  They'll do anything to make sure their integrity is intact.  Donald Trump and Fox and Fox's crony republicans do just the opposite.  They cast aspersions or blame on someone else.  It is common for the guilty to blame the police.  I've seen it many times and any police officer will tell you the same.

These people are putting themselves, not even their party, above the country.

An accused does not have to prove his innocence, but any Hitchcock aficionado can tell you it's possible and even thrilling.  The prosecution must prove guilt.  Trump is not accused yet, but he could - if he was without guilt - prove his innocence.  Every journalistic and criminal investigative bone in my body tells me Trump has problems.  For the good of the country, the Mueller investigation has to proceed until we can understand the nature and depth of these problems.  Anyone who thinks otherwise is literally un-American.  And yes, I shiver to say that.

So how does Trump prove it?  How does he, if you will, show us his birth certificate?

If Trump would just show his tax records to the public (Be assured that Mueller's team already has them.) it would be no time at all until Americans understood what Mueller already knows and I suspect full impeachment would proceed.  We would be privy to who Trump's business partners are and have always been.     There is already much reporting on the record that shows a strong likelihood of international money laundering by the president on a scale that ingratiates him to Vladimir Putin.

What if those facts came out?  What would happen if Trump himself was arrested?

First off, you, dear reader, would be able to read the Affidavit of Probable Cause.  You would be able to read the bill of goods that shows a crime or crimes were likely committed and that this president likely committed them.

Who would be the biggest loser?   Not Donald Trump.  Fox would lose everything.  That's why Fox is screaming the loudest.

Where would Fox be then?  Would they apologize?  Would they retract anything they've "reported."  Would they fire their talking heads or just the executives who put words in their mouths?  What would Sean Hannity's show look like then?  But, more importantly, friend, where would you be when the "fair and balanced" (sic) network was shown to be blowing corporate sunshine up your ass?  Where would you be when it was shown that the "lamestream" media wasn't nearly as bad as you've been led to believe and that only Fox was lying?  Would you ever watch Fox again after all this deception?  I'm asking.  Would you?

Would you then begin to question the information you've been ingesting?  Would you then try to read a newspaper?  Or is it too late for you?  Are you too lazy to do that work?  This government represents how a large portion of America thinks!  Bad information causes bad decisions.  You have a responsibility to the republic.

Fox has a lot to lose here if what the Mountain suspects comes into full view.  Fox loses all credibility in this scenario.  So what is Fox's programming now?  Vitriolic weirdos like Judge Jeanine Pirro  ((Read about her personal problems here.) shrieking that the Mueller investigation is corrupt.  You oughtta know, Jeanine.  You used to be a judge.

A "cleansing?"  Wow.  I could tear this argument apart in many ways.  Let's call it a post for another day.  For now, let's try to find such a hateful screed in any other respectable outlet.  Good luck with that.

Look, folks.  The truth has got to come out.  I remember a time when republicans wanted the whole truth about a blow job.  This is about knocking the underpinnings out from under our democracy.  The truth is the only thing that can save this country from real damage.  Oh, republicans are all about defending the constitution until it is their guy under investigation.  Then the process of justice and the rule of law have to be abridged because... what?... They scream loudest and have their own channel on teevee?

Fox has to protect itself.  Fox is the McDonalds of your media diet.  Shit is bad for you.

Face facts.  If Donald Trump fires Robert Mueller, he is admitting guilt.  And if he does, there will be war to correct the situation.  If Trump had nothing to fear, he wouldn't need a pledge of loyalty from James Comey.  If Trump had nothing to hide, he wouldn't be the first presidential candidate in modern times not to release his tax returns.  If Trump had nothing but integrity, he would be cooperating with the Mueller investigation.  It is clear whose side Donald Trump is on, we just don't know how bad it is.  The Mountain thinks it's bad.  Really bad.  We cannot have the  President of the United States in the pocket of a hostile foreign dictator.  It is highly dangerous to democracy and to the world in general. 

Look.  Hillary Clinton told you all what it was long before the election.  You might not have liked her, but she was right.  Is that why you didn't hear this?

Who's the puppet?

I guess we're all puppets here.  And I hold all republicans responsible for this.  I hold every local republican.  Every republican sitting on the bar stool down on the corner.  Every township supervisor, school board member and county commissioner.  Every registered republican.  I ask you:  How can you continue to affiliate with this?  You wanna do something about it?  Call your republican representation and tell them you're changing your party affiliation.  Then go down to the county election office and register independent.  Because supporting a team that protects a Russian puppet is a bridge too far for any decent republican.  Maybe then you will supply the cowardly lions on capitol hill with enough courage to stop cowering in the face of the rich, corporate fascists that have taken a once honorable party and sold it straight to hell.

The only republicans I see standing up to the strong man... the only republicans I can see with the guts to do what's right... are Robert Mueller and his team.


Feel free to comment below and, as I've always said, your opinions matter more when you sign your name to them.  Feel free to share this link with your friends and thanks for taking a walk on the Mountain with me today.  Merry Christmas!

si 12.25.17


  1. I love it!!!

    But I doubt Fox News will lose any credibility to the Republican base. They don't care what he did, or is doing, even if it goes against their own interests. They wanted Obama Care repealed but not the ACA. That's how little they know. They just go by what they are told and in so doing are unwitting pawns to the GOP. I've heard several family members (yes, there are Trumpers everywhere) who said they will never believe that he did anything wrong. They will continue watching Fox and believing that the POTUS was railroaded by a corrupt FBI. But many conservatives will see the light and I expect a windfall of Congresional seats to go to Democrats.

    I truely believe that we are witnessing the fall of the Republican Party. It could have been avoided if the Never Trumpers wouldn't have flipped and become his butt kissing toadies. They could have maintained some measure of dignity to the GOP centerists, and possibly weathered this storm but they greedily pushed through a tax bill that could/will seal their fate.

    Oh yes, the tax bill. I've also heard many conservatives, who in the past tried to defend the POTUS, rail against him because of the tax bill. They are angry and will possibly hasten the end of, in the least, the Republican majority in congress.

    The Republicans in Congress are rushing to push through bills that their lobbiests and donars want not caring about the repercussions because somne are jumping ship. Even Paul Ryan (A Never Trumper) is talking about leaving. I believe he is seeing the end game or maybe he is somehow involved in this whole Russia thing. Maybe many of them are.

    Think of this. What if the GOP has been colluding for a while now. During the election maybe the whole Never Trump was to keep the bumbling real estate tycoon from office. When it backfired they certainly rallyed around him. Maybe that is why they are playing the POTUS's game of discrediting the FBI. Why they turn their heads and he blatently violates the Constitution. It kind of makes me wonder.

    But in certainty, if some beileve that not funding the CHIP program because they don't have the money, throwing millions off of healthcare for the same reason, all-the-while increasing the debt by trillions because they want to give windfalls to corporations and the wealthy, are the moral majority... They should get a morality check-up.

    Sorry about the rant but I digress. Great article and I hope you keep it up. We need more voices like the one from the mountain!

  2. DW

    Thanks for the kind and wise words. I get the suspicion that there is FAR more here than meets the public eye and I think the Mueller team knows they are on a serious mission to preserve the democratic experiment that is the United States. For instance, I'd never noticed, but have been seeing reportage that indicates Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, was at the same table with Michael Flynn and Vladimir Putin in that famous picture from the RT celebration you see all the time. Imagine. THAT far back. Oh, they were doing business, alright. This web is big and deep. Funny how you can't get some conspiracy theorists to look at the big shiny conspiracy. I think there really is one and I think it needs rooted out for the good of all.

    BTDubs, I call them "Trumpies" 'cause it reminds me of the word Harpy:
    Reminds me of the shrieking idiots on Fox.

    Another thing I will not do is call it "Fox News." It isn't news. They just call it that to give it the patina of real news. They are anything but. They are the "fake news." Funny how they do that... point at CNN and go "Fake News" while they're the real fake news. Point at Hillary and call her a "puppet" while you're the puppet. Point to any perceived or concocted conspiracy ("SQUIRREL!!!") to distract from the crime going on in front of your face.

    I'll be doing a brief history of Fox soon tracing back to when Rupert Murdoch invaded this country with his yellow journalism. I'll show how the rules were changed to abet him and I'll show how, over time, objective truth has been damaged. Hopefully not forever.

    If you consume Fox, I believe you are part of the problem.

  3. BTW, Doug... I notice in my blog stats that the second most traffic I get is from Russia. Got their bots and Cozy Bear on the case, I suppose. I wonder if their democracy envy is showing.


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